Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Books of Poetry

Marlene E Purvis - Writing poetry saved my life - links to my poetry pages
please check!  It is my hope that those of you who partake enjoy them! 
All poetry is copyright © Marlene E Purvis

My books of poetry are now published. Each book has about 500 pages, 
complete with an index at the back and are available in both hard cover 
and soft cover. Both Editions are available on both Amazon and 
Barnes & Noble. and
Both books will always be available at the following address;
please note: you can read about 10 pages from each book.
Edition 1
Book page:
Author page:
Edition 2
Book page:
Author page:

I am still writing poetry although not as frequently as I once was.
I should have enough poems for my 3rd Edition later on this year. 
I will try to keep this site updated and also let you know when I get 
it published. Thank for stopping by. Take care and be safe!
Love and hugs always!

Please be sure to visit
My Story Corner

Everything you always wanted to know but afraid to ask!

Growing Up With Marlene
I guess you could say that my life on the farm went from bad to worse to the 
physical and emotional pits. Very few  people really know what goes on
inside the walls of their friends homes. I am positive that my home was no
exception. I was the eldest and as the oldest there were very high expectations 
which my mother infused into my brain at a very young age. For as long as I
can remember I never measured up. Both the mental and emotional abuse did
nothing for my self-esteem. Along with that was fear and full fledged terror with 
came from never knowing when your next beating would take place.

Loss Devastates
In 1955 I lost my grandmother, Rita Mae, due to cancer. Sad to say I barely 
remember her as I was only 7 years old at the time. Rumor has it that she was 
not the most stable or pleasant lady often acting childishly spoilt. I was told 
that her and my grandfather had split up when my dad was only 3 years old. 
Again no one can really tell what the circumstances were way back then.

On June 04, 1957 a tragedy struck which would totally change my life forever. 
At this time I am 8 1/2 years old. The picture of my 2 brothers drowning will be 
forever embedded in my memory. I can still see that picture today; foam and
blood suckers everywhere. As a child we tend to perceive events that we can 
relate to so when I was shipped across the way to Percival's as I looked out the 
window I could see all the cars at my house and I knew instinctively they were
having a party because they were glad my brothers were dead. Isn't the mind 
of a child the most logical. Today I know the real reason because mature logic 
has replaced those childhood thoughts.

Heartfelt Amends
After many years of ups and downs my life has finally found a comfortable 
corner where I can relax and spend time with my hubby. There are so many 
of my old school mates whom I would love to know what they are doing 
and where they now hang their hat. I also realize that some may never see 
this site but in the off chance that they do I want all of them to know that I 
am truly sorry for the way I was way back then and if I could I would
change everything; I wish I could meet up with each and every one of you 
and make proper amends for the wrongs I committed all those long years 
ago. I also realize that there are those who will never want to ever see me
again and for that I can fully understand but maybe also someday you will 
all have a clearer understanding of the tortures that befell me throughout my 
childhood. I am not here to absolve myself of those wrongs which I brought 
unto each of you but only to let you know that even though they did happen 
that at that time I was not able to control any of those events as they were 
the only way I knew how to deal with what was going on at home. No one 
can ever know what another's life is like until you have walked in their shoes.

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