Gamers Haven

one lone fighter trying best to flee
dove in water in Sanctuary
healing her and fighting, risking my life
those darn mean spectres cut like a knife
suddenly help came healing my wound
Guardianengel, clerical toon
finally laid that spectre to rest
all three of us lived, giving our best
a friendship grew from that day onwards
oft sent each other warmest regards
sadly a lapse of time took its toll
no longer together, friendship roll
just a few short days ago I saw
memory of lost friend brought me awe
now we are back in our friendship fold
never let you go, worth more than gold

copyright © 2011 Marlene E Purvis
A beautiful young man with a heart of gold. In real life he is married to a 
beautiful woman and together they have 2 beautiful children. As always I 
value all of my friendships and love to learn more and more about the 
people and their cultures. Thank you engel as you give so much of 
yourself to myself and others. Love and hugs to you and your family.

NTOROS - (MAY 01 2011)
met toros quite some time ago
friendly outgoing dontcha know
high level cleric with pizzaz
warm and sincere and all that jazz

always has time to lend a hand
in my mind so totally grand
his sense of humor strikes a chord
ever so awesome laughter scored

strength of character fills the bill
watch closely as those mobs he grill
he takes a stand enjoy the scene
not taketh long till sparkling clean

love to watch his skills unfold
all those moments worth more than gold
patience galore for those in need
am I prejudiced, yes indeed

copyright © 2011 Marlene E Purvis
A truly inspiring level 102 cleric who has given me so much 
help in game as well as becoming a dear and trusted friend.
May your life be filled with love and peace such as you have
given each of us! Thank you toros!

JARED - APR 15 2011
Jared, a sweet young man, with wit and charm
gotta admit did no soul any harm
his games of silence slip endlessly in 
on and on creating a soundless din
does he stand waiting somewhere in the dark
do his feelings really contain loves spark
sweet Caitlin waited, could not understand
please dear Glow go talk to him, lend a hand
with pretense, interested in grunge jeans
trying for an insight meagerly gleans
surely must know plans sometimes go awry
sadness prevails making us wanna cry

copyright 2011 Marlene E Purvis
So eloquent and so suave! Wow was my first reaction to this 
young man. A friend asked me to help her with this situation... 
how quickly tables can turn! Amazing

a vision of beauty soon appeared
introductions given way soon cleared
quiet and shy always in deep thought
Dys soon revelled in forget me not

out in the water not taking a bath
plankton and undiene giving out wrath
Dys and purity battled them sound
taught them a lesson level up bound

over course of time friendship grew
closer and closer though no one knew
slowly new emotions trickled in
within themselves let loving begin

now their love blossoms in full bloom
filling their world like sweet perfume
from my world to yours wish you the best
marriage threshold transforms your love nest

copyright 2011 Marlene E Purvis
Have known Dys for long time but when he was getting 
married he introduced me to purity and they asked for 
a poem to celebrate their wedding. I wrote it that same 
day I met her and sent it to Dys right away. They both 
loved this poem so now you can enjoy it as well. 

DEVRON - FEB 14 2011
many moons ago he slipped into my life
saw me standing doing nothing it seemed
please some buffs would be ever so nice
are you there he asked, had he screamed?

oh sorry was talking my usual thing
waylaid you know sometimes can't keep up
really am not slow just overly swamped
truly sad had you wondering what sup

whenever you climb on board this game
know sooner or later Glow will arise
patiently you wait for her late reply
do know, over time, you now realize

so now today on my Valentines Day
Devron whispered me sent love and hugs too
from Heavens Tear noticed Peach Blossom Grove
soon saw he in bad area this will never do

soon set auto tracking to help him out
meet Glow in village of Naught she did ask
need autrum spectrums was his quick reply
better area, you'll see, take them to task

finished that quest, then took on a few more
even a couple nice bosses did score
goodness gracious mats around here galore
Happy V-Day Dev now going ashore

copyright 2011 Marlene E Purvis
As you can see this poem is quite self- explanatory. Dev is 
from India and a very sweet young man. He is fun to hang 
with in game, upholds his honor and cherishes his friendships.

BKTAITOU - APR 15 2011
met Bk on the fighting plains
a gallant knight blademaster reigns
friendship grew slowly over time
helping each other fighting crime

healing wounds rarely rezing him
his mighty sword resounding din
sadly BK had to retire
as persianwolf became his fire

a mighty barb can lay them low
watch as he slams a crushing blow
in tiger form he's snowy white
a gentle cat, a tamed delight

copyright 2011 Marlene E Purvis
A shy and kind young man from Peru who works hard and is
also trying to learn our English language better so he can move
on to bigger and better things. As always Gustavo, I wish you
good luck along with loads of love and happiness. I am sure
you will go far no matter what you choose to do. Hugs!

RULE - (SEPT 03 2010)
his style, his grace, intensely mesmerize
powerful spells lend an aura divine
enchanting mannerisms speak volumes
enthralls me deeply this new friend of mine

as he reaches out his hand, know you safe
both his skill and power protect us all
in a brilliant, dazzling, luminous flash
quickly, so effortless do recall

prestigious position wizard's idol
awarded to Rule right from the very start
no other wizard shall ever lay claim
knighted by young wizard OminousHeart

copyright © 2010 Marlene E Purvis
A totally captivating experience, one which am sure will stay with
me a life time! What more can I say! You are truly amazing Rule!

so catchy it caught my eye
asked how he came by his name
said he displays it proudly
earned it due to no love fame

IGetNoLove must let you know
all those invitations sent
for new exciting places
do so miss those fun times spent

Sanctuary healing bound
first time met both you and Rule
massive mobs pulled tightly in
inner thoughts beamed really kewl

ready for some more fun times
nightmare island took the cake
level eighty mobs file in
BB time so much at stake

enjoyment extends to old
now bh's gather steam
quickly all mobs see their end
watching Rule and GetNo team

did not miss important fact
yes Rule be one hundred one
secret between you and me
mighty sin ne'er be outdone

new hot fun stake with GetNo
to a place unknown to me
a barren cold land far North
an instance in Frost City

new mobs, bosses new approach
team work, verbal now on vent
pure pleasure, amazement grew
no matter death time well spent

there he stands so all alone
looking downright dejected
pictures worth a thousand words
though death came was rejected

all those fun times now are gone
let it be known you rank high
my heart extends you the best
as Glow and Heart say goodbye

copyright © 2010 Marlene E Purvis
GetNo you definitely get my vote and my love! You are truly an
exceptional person, full of energy and exuberance towards each
and every one of us who know you. Love and hugs!

SQUALL_LEONH - (DEC 18 2010)
favorite character FF eight
dashing debonair intrigue trait
sweet and cute with kindness galore
giving nature and so much more
namesake be Squall Leonheart
blademaster supreme set apart
today marks his twenty-four years
level sixty-one toasting cheers

copyright © 2011 Marlene E Purvis
A very special person whom I had the chance to meet and 
had lots of fun teaching him some of the moves and things 
to do in PWI. We have become good friends and I do miss 
him when he is not around. love and hugs Paul

SON OF SIN - (DEC 03 2010)
know you ain't gonna believe this be true
do honestly swear wouldn't lie to you
truly not a wolf though his name belie
nor sinful son a mother would decry
such a sweet warm soul cannot be a wife
though his cleric be female giving life
hardships and turmoil have now set the stage
disallusion and sadness now the rage
do so miss you dearly my sinful friend
hope happiness finds you, puts heart on mend

copyright 2010 Marlene E Purvis
A very kind and soft spoken man whose real life turned his life 
upside down. Though miles of land and water separate us I 
can feel your pain and anguish. Be safe and happy Mark!

little OminousEdge met him one day
over at SwiftTribe when battles at bay
duel took place with Ruler_Life and StaRDaY
then a challenge offered coming her way

a level sixty-six to thirty-nine
Edge quickly replied to yours against mine
doubtful such unfairness could not confine
his reply told her she was bottom line

with haste an apology sent to him
sorry kind sir for my unwelcome din
please consider favor come back again
dueling might be fun so let it begin

oh such grand fun thank you Denis so much
over past few months achieved friendship touch
today marks twenty-two years of nonesuch
happy birthday my sweet friend you're my clutch

copyright © 2010 Marlene E Purvis
This poem commemorates Denis's 22nd birthday Oct 15 2010.
Two words you may not know the meanings of:
nonesuch means - model of excellence or perfection of a kind; 
one having no equal  
clutch means - you are a good person to have when friends 
are in a critical situation

HALLS OF DEATH - (AUG 24 2010)
met him one day on the fields of Flag Hill
mutant jacks and blobs were set on the kill
always on the lookout for those in need
as well as earning someone's friendship seed

extended warm friendship hand to this guy
honor to meet you so quiet and shy
preferably keeps mostly to himself
aerikol by name on his cleric elf

can't imagine what life truly be like
do boredom and tears continually spike
sixteen hour days must be terribly long
can hear myself chanting a ho-hum song

distress call came in to my cleric Glow
farran extinquished them two dontcha ya know
yes it's true have seen too much gates floor
rez us please we both heartily implore

aerikol and fegarenia laid out cold
fatal error, loss of mana am told
they took their revenge once buffed and ready
soon extinguished Farren strong and steady

fought along side them through gates halls of death
with pride on teamwork as mobs took last breath
wish to escape again soon side by side
in an instance where our deaths don't reside

copyright © 2010 Marlene E Purvis
This was a real treat to be asked to come rez my friend whom
I speak to most every day but never ever get to see him because
I am always called out somewhere doing something for someone
else. It was great fun and I know I would willing be right there
if asked again. Love & Hugs aeriko

TOOK HER LEAVE - (AUG 11 2010)
deadly silence fell upon NewAge
only deaf ears heard that deathly rage
for those in the encampment knew naught
entrance of the trusted one they sought
it came to pass in the days to come
help and gratitude wouldist know none
on guilded wings she soon took her leave
those left in the dust could only grieve

copyright © 2010 Marlene E Purvis
This poem formalized when I got no response from my morning
hello. From it I received a thank you and then conversations
ensued. Hope it makes you smile and that you enjoy!

MY PK ANGEL - AUG 21 2010
like a Spirit hurriedly tellied in
what to my surprise an all alone sin
in that instant my life ceased to exist
pker of death with ironic twist
overwhelmingly shocked beyond belief
look about him had me saying good grief
very first thoughts indignantely distressed
how dare you how dare you kill me expressed
come here I promise shant hurt you again
wanted to trust already late as rain
out of the cube to hall of deception
asked LordTrav for a friendship collection
questions arose see assailant up close
found death to my Spirit so grandiose
to my surprise a sin with grace and style
such grand looks sweet disposition do beguile

copyright (c) 2010 Marlene E Purvis
Ain't it amazing how a friendship can develop! Thank you
Trav for that breath taking moment in the cube of fate!

brand new squad with one familiar face
round and round, trying to keep the pace
killing all mobs, left right and center
other cleric died, released, re-enter
tank hits rankar leads off to reset
next up you got it fushma you bet
though not the tank as might expect
surprise attack two more interject
nearly had his life close to extinct
tank steps in leads off, reset you think
should have known my luck could never last
from behind, mob attack got full blast
few more mobs that are really a must
finally boss wvyvern bites the dust
must say done like a merry-go-round
dizziness played role deep and profound
now comes the fun, total free for all
two bosses at once plus an add call
got to admit what an awesome feat
not one soul died, all three soundly beat

copyright © 2010 Marlene E Purvis
Now this was a most interesting and very unusual experience I must
say. Wonder if I should thank Vez for the invite.... hmmm yes I will
because without that invite I would never have had the fortune to say
I have been there, done that! So I must say "Thank you Vez"

ZEN - (JULY 15 2010)
my heart reaches out, wants to comfort you
to ease your overload of hurt and pains
want only the best for those in your care
seems of late nothing falls but drenching rains

perhaps a bit too proud to ask for help
you keep hanging on struggling on your own
loosen the reigns, letting others step in
open the gates XRZ will have grown

belief in self always carries you far
trust in others lets freedom take a hold
granting those you love with choices supreme
life takes on meaning more precious than gold

believe me when I say love you to bits
you are my confidante, most trusted friend
always so brave taking fall when you must
in this perfect world there can be no end

copyright © 2010 Marlene E Purvis
My special friend Zen whom I learned I could trust early on in PWI!

STATE OF DOOM - (JULY 16 2010)
now you may well think the fun ended there
three more bosses sighted Wolf Valley square
Omnipotent Drake, the first taken out
KEO Elite Squad, heartily shout

Kushka gave easy marks for clerics three
his rather quick death filled our hearts with glee
Fugma's attack thirty-six hundred tops
crushed beyond belief us three were the drops

two still lie in death on wolf valley's floor
K released please hurry back we implore
on my way three hundred seconds time set
trying hard to make it not beaten yet

what perfect timing perfect world achieved
KEO elite stashed luck up their sleeve
shutdown eminent sixty seconds left
ressurection, safety not left bereft

copyright © 2010 Marlene E Purvis
Two amazing and very special and endearing clerics, Keet and
Elle, accompany me on my quest for spiritual cultivation but
sadly I must yet wait a little while longer.

what an exciting evening we three had
to be honest we drove dem mobs mad
a zing, a zap, and a couple ker-pows
keep this up ladies will soon take your bows

down this long hall, up around this next bend
further into the depths we must transcend
clear delerium house of all creatures dank
front, back, center, also left and right flank

know we can do this we clerics got skill
shant take very long till we count the kill
whoopsa daisy twas just one wee mistake
removed the icing couldn't taste the cake

two little clerics down now for the count
one took third fall vast aoe amount
highest cleric cast spells, held him at bay
while rezing her comrades hip hip hooray

standing mesmerized by her skill and flair
old boss soon lost out on his love affair
onto next areas vanquishing two more
KEO Elite squad you rule gates floor

copyright © 2010 Marlene E Purvis
Two amazing and very special clerics, Keet lv 75 and Elle lv 69
 have shown me how my powers can overcome so many obstacles
even though we may die so quickly by a mobs angry thrust.

VEZ - (AUG 03 2010)
Vez always hyper in his highest gear
running everywhere without any fear
in battles his courage makes him the tops
strategy, planning not specialty opps
so dashing and handsome with pitch black hair
green, black attire makes him so debonair
can he stand still for just one little kiss
or quickly move never knows what he miss
speaking manner accentuates his love
hold on tight, if wanna be a part of
will take you on tours exploring vast lands
a magic moment seizes his commands
cradled, protected within loving arms
always safe, though maybe not from his charms

copyright (c) 2010 Marlene E Purvis
This poem is about a very sweet young man who just cannot
seem to stay put in one place long enough to appreciate what
he might someday achieve whether it be love or friendship.

in a small tucked away chalet
Jay and Omin rolled in the hay
said Jay you're the best
soon must take that test
will there be a little sunshine Glow
please dear Omin let me soon know

copyright © 2010 Marlene E Purvis
Jay and Glow love to have fun and joke around so this poem
shows how fun and more fun get carried away! hugs Jay

JAY - (JULY 09 2010)
a sweet young cleric level forty-five
said he must really keep this squad alive
especially the lovely Glow with a heart
dancing and waving she make my day start

carried her off to a far away land
please my dear Glow will you not take my hand
together we'll walk down the halls of gates
I promise you Glow no death bed awaits

copyright © 2010 Marlene E Purvis
An joking young man who has earned the loyalty of his friend Dys
as well as enjoys the fun of online games and making new friends.

RICHIE - (AUG 03 2010)
he slipped into my life with humor divine
unbeknowst soon became good friend of mine
when sadness looms high on my horizon
on swift wings of love does quickly come
seems to always reach out with strength and charm
whisks me off to seclusion safe from harm
oft helps in my indeavors to achieve
hugs and huggles precious moments relieve
you are a true prince you make my heart sing
all the fun, flights of fancy, gives life zing
off to a place to enjoy some same ness
realization dawned am your sweet princess

copyright (c) 2010 Marlene E Purvis
This poem is about a young man who has become a very special
person in my life. He can make me feel good, make me laugh and
bring a peaceful aura all round me. Best friends for life sunshine!

SIN DYS - (JULY 13 2010)
a figure in the distance caught my eye
then suddenly, poof like magic, was gone
swiftly a slight twinge of sadness crept in
scanning the horizon nowhere had he been

a sweet soft hello whispered in my ear
am aware you were searching for me dear
for he had appeared standing next to me
thought to myself how ever can this be

offered his hand may I carry you away
to a wonderland that beckons, please stay
knew in that instant would never be bored
my best friend, my companion, my sin Dys

copyright © 2010 Marlene E Purvis
Dys and I became very good friends so when the opportunity arises
to accompany him on his excursions I will always try my best to spend
the time with him because there is never a dull moment! Hugs Dys

DYS - (JULY 13 2010)
although we live many miles apart
Dys you hold special place in my heart
your endearing ways make me feel warm
protected from all incoming storm

my heroic sin, trust you, believe
miss you so much when you take your leave
my thoughts, memories recall that day
knew you would never go far away

copyright © 2010 Marlene E Purvis
An amazing young man filled with an essence of adventure
and intrigue. You will always be my hero Dys!

an adventurous young man, Dysfreeaid
most daring of men ever was made
running on foot took world tour
state of health never obscure
danger and intrigue courted his crusade

copyright © 2010 Marlene E Purvis
An amazing young man filled with an essence of adventure and
intrigue.He took me on his favorite part of his tour; amidst mobs
ranging level 85 to 99. What a joy and a very special treat for me!

KiddStriker a leader of great skill
encourages all give aid to kill
honesty, truth reward of great deed
believes, lives by his favorite creed
listen closely; come without a sound
leave without a shadow; so profound
definitely one cool laid back dude
good time lover cannot abide rude
always strives to be the very best
loyal followers we can attest
loves challenges, dueling master Sin
door always open so step on in

copyright © 2010 Marlene E Purvis
Our very special Stealth faction leader who has earned and won
the hearts of all his followers. We your people raise the flag of
glory, that we too may one day follow in your footsteps!

REMIEL - JUNE 23 2010
ReMiel my friend of ages past
oft times your speed leaves me aghast
blazing skill trails, amaze and stun
incredible duel masters one

your sin most awesome have seen so far
no wonder you Keet's shining star
as a team you are hard to beat
even when mobs turn up the heat

part magician, tricks up your sleeve
leave duelers, mobs no time to grieve
belief in self master your class
postive no one can surpass

each class unveiling stands its ground
some cute, stunning, truly astound
veno so compliments them all
so many rares cannot recall

love and friendship treasures to keep
give aid to all who flounder deep
pride and gratitude top the line
forever, always friend of mine

copyright © 2010 Marlene E Purvis
A very special person who slipped into my world to lend me a
hand with an almost impossible task. To this day he is still there
when I require his assistance but also just to hang out with him
and his girlfriend Keet. I owe my life to you both!

a dashing young man with grace and poise
Stealth's Ruler_Life; shhh don't make a noise
logic, strategy hold his command
midst evil foes strongly takes his stand

cares not for reason answers your call
no matter how far, reaches out to all
whether Harshlands or Forbidden Sea
without selfish thought, comes willingly

works hard to gain his levels and might
from early morning to late at night
all good warriors must take time to rest
this is part of what makes them the best

good friends like Rule put friendship out front
leaves none behind to carry the brunt
even in death he takes all the blame
Rule my friend bound to hold perfect fame

copyright © 2010 Marlene E Purvis
A special warm and young friend who believes in fairness and
justice as well as deep compassion and love for his friends.
Always trust and believe in yourself Rule!

BY THE SCORE - (JUNE 18 2010)
today we stood on the desert floor
killing wicked pirates by the score
seemed ReMieL quietly snuck away
unbeknownst to us; hope he's okay

Ruler_Life along with Keet and me
tried ever so hard to let him see
that daylight would always be his star
never would night fall take him afar

least an hour under our watchful care
healing your wounds close vigil with flair
Keet's friend Mela stepped up to the plate
you lucky sin, you must be top rate

copyright © 2010 Marlene E Purvis
What started out as a simple short mission turned out to be a
totally out of this world experience. Thanks Rule for inviting us
and thanks ReMieL for keeping us entertained!

DEATH SCENE - (JUN 01 2010)
looking back on FB nineteen
did create an awful death scene
Zen, Wolf, Edge, Verg did utmost best
aiding in the strength and brawn test
young cleric Glow lacked skills supreme
tragedy flowed like soft ice cream

copyright © 2010 Marlene E Purvis
What an exciting night as we traversed a mob filled cave
 only to feel the crushing blows of defeat.

ZENTSUE - (JUN 01 2010)
there once was wizard of high class
his name be Zentsue of the magic mass
fame gained, never ending death
toxic waste, slime, undine breath
high quality knack cannot surpass

copyright © 2010 Marlene E Purvis
An amazing young man full of life and wisdom who can make one
laugh even when we are all in the midst of death and destruction.
Can ya feel it? Yeah! I can feel it! Way to go Zen!

the lone hunter reaches out to them
knowing full well will do their utter best
be aid for revival or just need buff
every so often help conquer a quest

no matter the reason, they're so sublime
Dream_Blade wields blades of steel keeping in time
Beast_Jed forces obedience to all
in precious moments those mobs take hard fall

Jedidah comes forth on mighty wings
buffing the squad be it ever so slick
HeartFlutter revives her comrades so quick
truely a godsend the powers she brings

copyright © 2010 Marlene E Purvis
Just a few ideas on their possible battle techniques. They are
are awesome couple and I am so proud to call them my friends;
love and hugs James & Becky

SharkBlade set out to conquer the world
DreamyVixen by his side quickly hurled
poison, drakes ray blade, diffuse
triads of monsters we muse
vanquished forever; ash and dust unfurled

copyright © 2010 Marlene E Purvis
This poem is about two very special people who have become
good friends. They are also husband and wife in real life as well
as on PWI. love and hugs always James & Becky

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