Thought Provoking Poems

as a child always loved hearing them
both nursery rhymes and fairy tales
excitement always reached a plateau
suspense and intrigue always prevails

always loved reading nursery rhymes
short and poetic always the style
as for fairy tales, a short story
perhaps a bit far fetched type profile

no matter which you prefer to read
imagination often runs wild
exciting fairy tales of folk lore
for the enjoyment of every child

let's look at Little Red Riding Hood
Perrault wrote with a moral ending
the ones I read were not as sad
a happy ending theme extending

version heard put grandma in closet
little Red runs away, quickly acts
a woodsman happened to be close by
killed the wolf with his lumberjack axe

Perrault's version much grimmer indeed
big bad wolf ate both Grandma and Red
he then falls asleep in Grandma's bed
moral never talk to strangers creed

copyright © 2016 Marlene E Purvis
Morals are good as they teach us valuable
lessons but I will always be partial
to experiencing those happy endings!

NEVER MATCH UP - (FEB 09 2016)
do our perspectives become slightly warped
perhaps from our friends or parents who harped
or not happy with the soul mate we chose
some things really suck or that really blows

do small habits bring on irritation
do they fester without limitation
relationships no matter what we're told
there's no guarantee, never stamped in gold

sometimes not the fairy prince or princess
as we once believed, which did so impress
cannot change them into what we perceive
will never match up causing us to grieve

copyright © 2016 Marlene E Purvis
Love and accept them as they are or let them go!

friluftsliv, a Norwegian way of life
living life mostly in the great outdoors
hiking, dancing, playing, sleeping outside
exploring the world and nature around them
free air life, nature appreciation

shinrin-yoku, bathing in the forests
let yourself breathe in all natures goodness
the sounds, the sights, the aromatic blends
magic of the forests permeates your soul
Japanese forest bathing done their way

hygge, bathe in the glow of candlelight
so cozy, mentally wrapped together
a cup of tea or a walk on the beach
bonding time, sharing all things, big and small
Denmark, happiest country in the world

wabi-sabi, accept and love all things
embrace the imperfect, just as they are
the old, the chipped, the cracked and worn out too
thus paying more attention to details
hence reducing stress the Japanese way

kaizen encourages self improvement
continual on a daily basis
share, implement, ideas, suggestions
check our goals on a more organized path
Japan's dedication projects per say

Jugaad captures innovative spirit
fix or repair, solutions with less cost
save money, have a family repair time
as well as testing problem solving skills
ingenuity learned the Hindu way

gemutlichkeit, reaches out past than cozy
taking cozy to a much higher plain
enhanced and enriched, sharing with close friends
soft music in the background sets the mood
sharing a cup of tea the German way

copyright © 2016 Marlene E Purvis
All seven words describe similar cultural
ideals. Appreciation for all that life and
nature have provided for our enjoyment!
*friluftsliv pronounced fre loofts liv
*shinrin-yoku pronounced shin rin yo ku
*hygge pronounced hue gah
*wabi-sabi prounounced wa be saw be
*kaizen prounounced ki zen
*jugaad prounounced ju gaud
*gemutlichkeit prounounced ge mut lich keit

perhaps will never get a miracle
but we can work and strive to become one
by always putting our best foot forward
and every day try to score a home run
looking always at the bright side of life
along with patience, determination
becoming one with nature and mankind
practicing love and appreciation

copyright © 2016 Marlene E Purvis
A Vujicic video phrase caught my attention;
he is a miracle and an inspiration to us all!

did ya ever stop to think about it
February, ground hog sees his shadow
so now we have six more weeks of winter
such a really chilling thought holy cow

now March first enters like a gentle lamb
all is so peaceful and calm and balmy
beautiful weather, so enjoyable
first part of the contradiction to me

if the saying goes according to hoyle
it shall depart like a raging lion
bringing back all the snow and blowing snow
trusting us back in the deep freeze, come on

logically speaking, it seems to me
that now winter carries on for eight weeks
what happened to only six weeks promised
those predicting conflicts gotta be geeks

copyright © 2015 Marlene E Purvis
Sometimes a thought comes to you and you just gotta
go with it. *Geeks - unusual or odd personality!

ever sat and waited
just for someone to show
tis truly pure torture,
really thought you should know

don't want to hang around
afraid just to take off
just in case they show up
whole day wasted, you scoff

perhaps we should wander
and do what we prefer
given quiet reflection
certain you will concur

some just don't really care
selfishness reigns supreme
you're at their beck and call
quite like they are your queen

honestly who gets hurt
most likely it is you
for they are unaware
so take this as your cue

done this so many times
would think sooner would learn
back of my mind just know
again will feel the burn

copyright © 2015 Marlene E Purvis
Done this so many times; hoping this time they will
come! Then the total let down when they do not show!
We all know this is Hope, dashed with icy cold water!

OH SO HOT - (JAN 29 2015)
now when I say hot some things come to mind
some oh so good, some deemed to be unkind
today most companies favor refined
motto should be savor flavor inclined

take for example cup of hot coffee
brewed to perfection to the nth degree
perhaps a pot of herbal essence tea
steeped lovingly has one saying oh gee

ever heard it said, so full of hot air
causing people to turn round and just stare
wonder if anyone really does care
or do they think you are totally square

hot wheels came about way far back in time
those dinky little cars soon became prime
roller coaster tracks brought in new design
challenging those big Tonka trucks sublime

hot tubs and hot springs, such a soothing balm
bubbly waters, jet propulsion relaxing calm
now you're in hot water, do a face palm
brought to point of feeling like Huck and Tom

perhaps you are with an amazing date
enjoyment sitting by a fire side grate
sipping hot chocolate, though it's getting late
some things in life are so hard to equate

hot topics can sometimes create gossip
though at times it does promote giving lip
absolutely darling, trend is so hip
hear people say my oh my, what a drip

let's now look at the opposite spectrum
mild, medium and super hot, rule of thumb
for sure some can handle the burning numb
but for others solely bland for their tum

moving onwards to my favorite treat
dark, dark chocolate, really not too sweet
with a hint of chili, it's kinda neat
palate satisfaction truly complete

copyright © 2015 Marlene E Purvis
Hot, hot, hot so many forms provide the learning edge!

HINDSIGHT - (OCT 04 2014)
hindsight takes a giant leap forward
fetch to mind things eternally stored
perhaps knowing what we know today
we might want to go way back in time
change negative to a positive
to right wrongs we may have committed

but would life have been a better place
if so tailored to our wants and needs
some things most definitely would change
would life have played out much differently
perhaps took a totally new path
must admit not sure if change is good

yes it's true hindsight is such great stuff
must consider all the pros and cons
so would we be where we are today
would the same people be in our lives
could we still be living in this place
perhaps all replaced with the unknown

we must think about it long and hard
the loss of our family and friends
attainment of love and happiness
our riches are measured by our love
and our wealth by the friendships attained

copyright © 2014 Marlene E Purvis
If only I knew what I know now!

so often hear men take full control
women assume domineering role
do their genetics come into play
were their parents perhaps built that way

either way those so fully consumed
life with them seems eternally doomed
always the constant strain of deep stress
need to always do more, never less

perhaps they think spouses are children
never thought of as women or men
in need always of a guiding hand
pushing, goading, unable to stand

do this, do that, you certainly can't
listen closely do my bidding rant
how dare you defy, you'll pay the price
mark my words you shall never suffice

once heard it said was like a puppet
yes master, anything you beset
couldn't believe he controlled that much
held spellbound in his forever clutch

life is too short to live in handcuffs
day in and day out incurring roughs
relationships thrive, cohesive ways
making for blissful, harmony days

copyright © 2015 Marlene E Purvis
Been there on both sides of the fence; not
a good nor a fun way to live or survive!

SHOW YOUR LOVE - (NOV 25 2014)
compliments do make us feel good
feel all that warmth under your hood
ask for advice, give a hi-five
keeps love and passion so alive
embraces release endorphins
feel you've acquired brand new skins
long hugs brings warmth and harmony
done often know you will agree
spending time with friends and alone
enhances lives with stepping stone
wear something you know brings a spark
long walks in your favorite park
undivided attention rules
friends and lovers precious jewels

appreciate time together
stay the ride in stormy weather
be open, let compassion show
understanding takes on a glow
make them want to vent frustrations
share their woes and aspirations
words and actions show affection
point us in the right direction
let them know they are number one
priority, never undone
be thankful for the little things
covet only the joy it brings
preserve intimacy and joy
sometimes being playful and coy

copyright © 2014 Marlene E Purvis
Developing and maintaining relationships bring us to
a new height and awareness and a joy for living!

FROM THE HEART - (OCT 14 2014)
being honest with oneself
letting that inner self show
speaking honestly from the heart
softly, gently, left the words flow

if you don't mean it then hush
cutting, slicing, wounding deeply
outwardly acting like you care
like daggers, throwing sweetly

does not your conscience guide you
weighing heavily on your heart
as the silent tears around you fall
savagely tearing those you love apart

copyright © 2014 Marlene E Purvis
Words can be sweet or wound us deeply!

ever sat and waited
just for someone to show
tis truly pure torture,
really thought you should know

don't want to hang around
afraid just to take off
just in case they show up
whole day wasted, you scoff

perhaps we should wander
and do what we prefer
given quiet reflection
certain you will concur

some just don't really care
selfishness reigns supreme
you're at their beck and call
quite like they are your queen

honestly who gets hurt
most likely it is you
for they are unaware
so take this as your cue

done this so many times
would think sooner would learn
back of my mind just know
again will feel the burn

copyright © 2015 Marlene E Purvis
Done this so many times; hoping this time they will
come! Then the total let down when they do not show!
We all know this is Hope, dashed with icy cold water!

seems as a nation we always, always
put more emphasis on the here and now
no matter occasion exclusion trends

people today don't seem to understand
or perhaps because they don't give a care
no matter the reason exclusion rides

honestly believe trend should be worldwide
extend your hand to everyone out there
no matter race, culture exclusion ends

is Thanksgiving, just family and friends
my opinion and beliefs take the stand
no matter what exclusion bites the dust

what's with our nation, can they not but see
we are all important, my love defends
no matter where, when, inclusion must be

copyright © 2013 Marlene E Purvis
Special days, special events, inclusive sea!
*sea - anything limitless in quantity or volume

often heard it said throughout the years
every girl a princess wanna be
not even once though, in all my life
did even dream of such luxury

shift the view, a role model might do
yes, wanna be just like her or him
set my sights higher, reach for the stars 
be the best, don't let the climb grow dim

forever, always follow your dreams
find your role model, make them stand out
keep sight, hold on tight, never let go
know your beliefs and trust carry clout

bring it on the adrenalin rush
attain vast knowledge, might be your call
to make a difference in a child's life
or bring peace and harmony to all

no matter what, the choice is all yours
search it out, live it, breathe it all in
purposeful goals, easy to achieve
your satisfaction attains your win

copyright © 2013 Marlene E Purvis
Role models make our goals more reachable! Inspiration from photos
of a 5 year old dressed in styles of amazing women in history!

WAKE UP CALL - (NOV 15 2013)
there's an old saying that goes like this
the rich get richer, poor get poorer
so mind-blowing but so very true
why and how-for does man get his due

most tragic trait that man can possess
my opinion mans almighty greed
can't fathom richest incessant need
in the end destruction of mankind

share the wealth don't let greed take its toll
put country on prosperity roll
reality, thinking and ideal
honesty only one's the best deal

level wages let the poor survive
give them back some of their dignity
slums would eventually disappear
rich would still have their mansions, no fear

copyright © 2013 Marlene E Purvis
Always maintained those with the highest paid jobs need to live for at least
six months in poverty! Can almost guarantee then we would see major changes!

DEEP REGRETS - (OCT 25 2013)
hopefully no one lives with deep regrets
over little things or tasks left undone
never really know what might come around
so live life to the fullest and have fun

uncertainties prevail throughout our lives
not knowing when life might suddenly change
go with your gut feelings, don't put things off
avoid disappoints state of derange

life's truly short, much shorter than you think
all too soon family and friends must leave
love and appreciate them while they're here
cause tomorrow your heart might need to grieve

copyright © 2013 Marlene E Purvis
If you think it or want to, then do it; if not the
consequences could be astronomical or devastating!

ain't it funny how people interact
some are quite pompous imagine that
many are happy take life as it comes
few seek attention grasping meager crumbs

some wail and cry about woes they have had
don't they realize we have all had it bad
expressions can tell alot about us
outgoing people now that's a real plus

amazing too how some rub us the wrong way
either by actions or things that they say
also have noticed where love is so blind
cannot let go no matter how unkind

ever loved someone so much that it hurt
just kept hanging on though treated like dirt
loved them but at same time hated them too
how can this be; thought your heart was so true

ever felt how love can spark anger flames
total ignition burns till ash remains 
sometimes those two people clash constantly
destined to destroy for eternity

dominance can smother your internal flame
control seekers tightly keep hold the reign 
soon find oneself sitting alone one day
as lost loves refrains sing sorrowful way

copyright © 2013 Marlene E Purvis
Learning to strike the right balance takes time and reflection!

TIME ELAPSE - (JAN 30 2013)
milliseconds of data flow
filling our minds to help them grow
every second, thoughts cross my mind
words, word clusters formed and aligned
every minute of every day
as time, time slowly slips away
every hour that passes us by
whispers softly now please don't cry
one whole day, twenty-four hours gone
flew so fast, ends our daily song
now one week has taken its toll
seems on a continual roll
one full month now has flown the coop
most equipped with thirty day loop
though seems long one full year has passed
time and events often surpassed
grand totals slowly coming in
lasting impressions fully win
fifty-two weeks, and twelve months strong
three hundred sixty-five days long
eight thousand seven-sixty hours
prodigious, mastermind powers
yes perhaps could continue on
seriously would be put-upon

copyright © 2013 Marlene E Purvis
Let the countdown begin!

MOODS ACCRUE - (FEB 02 2013)
some mornings a mood presents itself
setting the tone to kick start our day
inspiration may be forthcoming
creativity may have its say

a vision of generosity 
appreciation for natures show
beauty surrounding us all around
cues our view, setting the world aglow

perhaps today as you step outside
wear your heart so it absorbs more love
put a bounce in your step, walk with pride
perpetual fortunes, undreamed of

copyright © 2013 Marlene E Purvis
Optimistic outlooks; a whole new perspective on life!

memories triggered from long time ago
Twilight Nursing Home with seniors aglow
many were older loved nostalgia lane
loved nothing more than climb aboard their train
harvesting with mule trains huge thrashers grand
as neighbors and kinfolk all lend a hand

sadly some seniors re-lived childhood dreams
chanting and hollering, high pitched extremes
such antics one could never imagine
wall painting, hair rolling, all from within
tub baths sometimes showers always a must
specialized work scenes heavily entrust

always must be one ornery old coot
this morning had us both saying oh shoot
can you believe similar stories shared
shockingly though, know we both deeply cared
strings of words, lashing out in deep anger
remorse and tears, hugs and love soon transfer

can't be helped over time, attachments grow
love each and every one of them you know
though played a small part in easing last years
remember their passage, still brings on tears
with roosters, call bells and artful designs
fond memories merge, kindred spirit lines

copyright © 2011 Marlene E Purvis
This poem was triggered when Derek and I were speaking 
about how much alike we are and this job as a nursing 
home care worker was also a similarity. 

OBSOLETE - MAY 17 2011
so wish could harness thought wave energy
as well as children's how rich we'd all be
know how great it would be never to sleep
always on the go accomplishments reap

life in fast lane would become obsolete
giddy up go no more roads of concrete
sky full of jetstreams colorful and bright
holy dinah what a wonderful sight

copyright  © 2011 Marlene E Purvis
Random thoughts filtering in again. Imagination
running wild... almost like a small child. Love it!

desperately need a weekend retreat
peace and solitude be all I seek
although turmoils of my own making
deep inside all internals quaking

thought had overcome feeling despair
must now stand back reflections still there
restless sleep don't know which way to turn
know all that I touched surely must burn

keep running never turn round to look
with tears of remorse favors mistook
wish could stomp my feet say just don't care
that life treating my so darn unfair

is it really life? or is it me?
am I still barking up the wrong tree
reaching out, be there anyone near
please help before shed many a tear

silently sitting, a space all alone
perhaps all my actions must I atone
day in and day out need courage to win
pick up the pace pangs of chagrin

copyright  © 2011 Marlene E Purvis
Time to grow up or wake up or something. Seems so 
much duress and stress but is itme or is it them or is 
it just fate!! Really, really want to know!

what makes communication work
neither side must never shirk
do we just sit back and let it grove
perhaps do naught so it shant improve

being rude and crude won't get far
backs most people off, closed guitar
written words oft misunderstood
what emotions under the hood

would strictness fill the bill
much worse than tough love pill
maybe lieniency hits the spot
quick and easy what it's got

should we be nice, always polite
patient and kindness deemed right
sit back and listen, open mind
speaking softly, never unkind

difference between trampled upon
uphold ones values and so on
emphatic means holding your own
done with discretion in mild tone 

sliced and diced always in a stew
makes one part of the wrecking crew
sad and lonely or just upset
talking it out is a sure bet

don't let sun go down on anger
find your outlet we do concur
speak what you think not hold it in
let communication begin

copyright  © 2011 Marlene E Purvis
A few random thoughts on how I see and think 
communication plays a part in all of our lives. 

mind over matter how important is it really
health top priority, without health have nothing
next comes family, without them I am nothing
then comes friends, without them I am always alone

we trek through life sometimes it seems without a care
not letting anyone to get close enough to hurt
really think and feel at times treated just like dirt
sometimes wear a smile saying everythings okay

man considers materialistic a must have
a balm that soothes his inner soul of its longings
but soon another longing sets in begging please
needing, wanting, desires ahead full steam

must maintain our health always sport a healthy glow
life in the fast lane, meals on the run, go man go
running here running there no time for anyone
good food takes time to prepare relax have a chair

get out of your safe corner reach out a warm hand
step into the light, play games, or talk up a storm
hanging with good friends greatly boosts our self-esteem
so beneficial bringing about pleasure beads

most important things in life are freely given
look around enjoy the beauty of treasures all
loyalty, trust, most worthy and precious by far
relaxation, time valued above all, gladly share 

copyright  © 2011 Marlene E Purvis
Funny how sometimes thoughts come in and suddenly want to 
write about them... although not in my usual poetic form.

REGRETS - (JUNE 13 2009)
accumulation over the years 
regrets can pile up bringing on tears
for a lost love or friend gone astray
for those lost forever and a day

does time lessen the pain we have felt
leaving behind a scar or raised welt
do we ever forget they once thrived
in our hearts and minds real or contrived

do we think back unkind words we said
perhaps too, at times, wished some one dead
did we forget to make time for them
those selfish endeavors do condemn

were we quick to anger, raised a hand
on trivial matters, nothing grand
did we take the reins bully them all
made fun of their sorrow watched them crawl

reach out as each new friendship arrives
cherish those who step into our lives
perhaps some solace might come our way
give daily of ourselves, quietly pray

copyright © 2009 Marlene E Purvis
Throughout our lives we may say and do things which we will live to 
regret. These regrets fill our every waking thoughts often times causing 
us sleepless nights and lots of worry. It is always in my mind that some
day those whom we have harmed may never know how we feel. This 
I feel I must try to rectify as soon as possible. To have left this world
knowing I did nothing will leave a hole in my heart.

touch of Thai carving cuisine rosy radish
you got yourself in a fine kettle of fish
jam tomorrow not jam today confusing you say
going cold turkey may be only way
let them eat cake declared Marie-Antoinette
planting pears for your heirs I do bet
a piece of cake means same as easy as pie
heard him proclaim she's the apple of my eye
lay me down in a bed of roses
jumping beans jump when heat exposes

party hearty consume hors d'oeuvres
potluck, take it as it comes, life serves
he said unto them "I am the bread of life"
partake forbidden fruit Adam's wife
cool as a cucumber nothing rattles Tim
get his ginger up talk Yankee to him
happy as a clam at high water notably safe
can spill the beans many an innocent waif
he always wanted the fat of the land
got his just desserts now ain't that grand

identical twins like two peas in a pod
find yourself in a pickle is not odd
take your lumps with a grain of salt
my youth saw many salad days exalt
raspberry tart, passing gas, imagine that
if it ain't the truth will eat my hat
highly enthusiastic keen as mustard be
who cares you on sour grapes spree
take the cake and eat it too full honors due
yada, yada signs off now saying sweet adieu

copyright © 2008 Marlene E Purvis

bestowed title King's knight
marched endlessly morning till night
wonder if shorter with this nite

where ask I are you going to
please kind sir perhaps I come too
hence we be three instead of two

took months to be rid of all their
stuff, have heard it spoken that they're
somewhere far away over there

taste that succulent juicy pear
one your momma did quickly pare
be it one of those matching pair

read story of tortoise and hare
'long with Johnny's bonnie brown hair
many more passed from heir to heir

whatever she cried shall I wear
really don't have a lot of ware
on my way going to some where

weight she bore did heavily weigh
heard it was a very long way
before could eat her curds and whey

gather eggs daily chickens lay
feed them on the bountiful ley
softly adorned with pretty lei

please be honest what can I do
lawn is heavily laid with dew
my rent is now so long past due

this is just between me and you
over yonder under that yew
standing alone a old old ewe

so very hard learning to write
English language outta sight, right
learning should earn a proper rite
achievement of distinguished Wright

copyright © 2008 Marlene E Purvis

HOMO-AKIN - (MAY 2008)
heaving with all his strength and might
never found that troublesome mite
buildings set high upon new site
tallest spires yet an awesome sight

really must tell you what we ate
always dine on the dot of eight
thru years seen some superbly great
'long side them some terribly grate

they have posted a light weight lien
please try not to heavily lean
every single teenage scene
most hectic life parents seen
millions of fish deep water teem
each belonging to their own team

alone sat quietly to pray
with hopes of finding their next prey
Turkish or Egyptian title bey
perhaps ride on a gentle bay

please the reindeer you should not slay
they are needed to pull his sleigh
all tallied votes positive nay
softly did his pony whinny neigh

the awful wind just blew and blew
until it turned me tired and blue
Heavens to Betsy thought you knew
that whole section is so brand new

please people you must walk on through
so all can see the ball he threw
so many he managed to slew
buried deep in that murky slough

surely we need a second layer
securely lock him in his lair
said he was a grumpy old bear
wonder if due to cupboards bare

often hear that life isn't fair
traveling round costs hefty fare
some people have tremendous flair
signal an alert with a flare
sometimes idle do naught but stare
way up high to some lofty stair

copyright © 2008 Marlene E Purvis

quickly put on his other shoe
ran outside yelling shoo fly shoo

after this unwelcome ado
now must bid you all sweet adieu

clearly waved a welcoming hi
from his position way up high

when they coming back over here
can you pray tell when you do hear

really is part of a big whole
narrowing down to a small hole

whole complete set of books I read
explains fully why eyes are red

copyright © 2008 Marlene E Purvis

WHITE - FEB 2008
what perchance is white as a word
viewed with integrity or quite absurd
let's take a quick peak join the herd
honestly though don't fly like a bird

quaint little town be Whitewood
friendliest in the neighborhood
everyone knows whether bad or good
small towns this quite understood

meanings and more for white out
blowing snow squalls Eastern clout
errors mistakes erase like shout
snow covered see snow angels about

exploration involved white man
prospectors gained gold in a pan
natives fought hard for their land
pioneers forged mountains grand

many a home has noted white board
message center reminders stored
important dates stay aboard
children’s art strikes a chord

swift flowing waters in White River
canoes boats paddle quiver
strong currents take not a giver
just the thought makes one shiver

far northern places find white nights
never a night of put out the lights
some would say prefer dark sights
twenty-four hours of twilights

white chocolate chocolate lovers dream
better than all the worlds ice cream
scores and scores an endless seam
hearty vows never shall we wean

white pieces line up for fame
chess or checkers be the game
some might find them kinda lame
win or lose pity the shame

knights in shining white armor
every girls dream real charmer
some might opt out for a farmer
life more serene so much calmer

flames are glowing white with heat
come sit a spell pull up a seat
dontcha think it kinda neat
soon mesmerized by dancing feat

be it White or surname Black
colorful names lustre lack
regular Joe's or celeb pack
Michael’s tribute be on track*

white hair be sign of old age
though some younger I do wage
none the matter just a stage
now life turns a yellowed page

wear your whites your career states
sign of purity simple traits
look professional truly rates
patients prefer in dire straits

white Christmas is everyone's love
deems Santa's night perfect above
now Christmas fits like a glove
peace signaled by a white dove

poor man's hot dog was white hot
meats mustard spices tie the knot
blackbody emits red white blue shot
thermal radiation caught

white magic power to command
both by words and wand in hand
invoking spirits circle manned
mysterious symbols help expand

can turn white sometimes from fright
gold fish too from lack of light
true hair can turn over night
now ends long poetic white

copyright © 2011 Marlene E Purvis
* Michael White does Led Zeppelin

people proclaimed it blue Monday
was it cause the weekend was gone
shoved back into the working force
not really feeling you belong

left alone in a strange city
feeling terribly sad and blue
lonely unloved spirits soon fall
not a single soul cares for you

blue language once banned in public
fully censored to the extreme
pitiful now songs movies brim
entertainment deems de la creme

black and blue from his playful fight
loved to battle long hard and strong
little Tom never walked away
that would, he say, be very wrong

the ultimate Blue laundry aid
enhancing hair colorful rage
whitens all with a bluish tinge
all time greatest many did wage

pretty Blue Bells wee fragile flower
out in the country growing wild
purple Crocus, Buffalo Beans
Brown-eyed Susan’s ever so mild

Betty Blue of Mother Goose rhyme
blue ribbon ties bonnie brown hair
Little Boy Blue come blow your horn
Little Bo Peep ever so fair

Blue Jay a bright colorful bird
Cardinals, Robins, Meadowlarks too
Eagles, Falcons, Scarlet Macaws
sky filled delights to name a few

best friends forever set a pact
true blue their motto sets the mold
loyalty and faith rate most high
fully accepted in their fold

Mother Nature gave us a clear blue sky
Blue Lagoon steamy Iceland spa
Blue Mountains Kentucky Bluegrass
Blue Lotus comic strip ah-ha

lack of oxygen brings on a blue baby
blue rare steaks deemed most tender chewed
Blue Suede Shoes Carl Perkins top hit
adults only blue movies viewed

long time ago a song emerged
as Two Little Girls In Blue Lad
played on piano lots by me
sometimes by mom never by dad

The Blues emerged became the roots
popular music consequence
Leadbelly top blues musician
twelve string guitar vast and intense

fifties sixties more blues took hold
Rhythm and Blues took on a glow
BB King, Muddy Waters too
best known of all Fats Domino

Bluegrass music mid forties scene
forms distinctive acoustic sound
acoustic guitar, mandolin
fiddle, banjo, upright bass found

late sixties Crimson and Clover
Crystal Blue Persuasion outflank
Mony Mony still hear today
Tommy James and The Shondells rank

The Marcels pushed pop into rock
perfect harmonization flame
Blue Moon climbed to number one spot
entered Rock and Roll Hall of Fame

Muddy Waters and Howling Wolf
greatest all time blues singers round
Memphis Blues Chicago Blues styles
John Lee Hooker, BB King found

Country music took on an edge
Devil Woman, A White Sport Coat
Singing the Blues Awards supreme
Marty Robbins most songs he wrote

Blue Bayou both movie and song
always first never ever be last
Elvis the King of Rock 'n' Roll
Blue Hawaii memory blast

copyright © 2011 Marlene E Purvis

black as tar, coal black
pitch black to name a few
jet black most absolute
black and blue shiner true

evil forces brought forth black deeds
black market ruled over the world
bike gangs outfitted in black leather
black Friday stock market crash unfurled

Johnny Cash known as The Man in Black
Joseph Black British chemist ID carbon dioxide
Shirley Temple Black cute 1930's child actress
black knights gathered strong outside

Men in Black both one and two
Black Sabbath heavy metal band
Martin Luther King's blacks a great people
most deadly Black Widow Spider female grand

eyes blazed black with fury
black looks can be foreboding
black sheep of the family
black as sin needs no coding

stealth mode made easier in black of night
harsh and sinister black humor speak
black moonless nights seem eerily dark
our future looks totally black and bleak

black worn by widows in mourning
soot and smoke black ceilings derived
please always drink your coffee black
white and black pieces chess contrived

copyright © 2011 Marlene E Purvis

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