Nature's Grace

legendary, so majestic and pure
by far considered most unique for sure
much more breathtaking than satin and lace
a true symbol of purity and grace

cloven hooves, angelic long main and tail
amazing creature in a woodland vale
projected long pointed spiraling horn
depiction of beauty, the unicorn

eyes and hooves sky blue or purple haze
such grandiose beauty sure to amaze
colors range, jet-black, silvery moonlight
dark brown, dazzling gold, though most often white

when fleeing from capture will take a dive
from the edge of a cliff just to survive
eldest and wisest are telepathic
youngest have empathy, now ain't that slick

hence, one with nature ever so flawless
power resides within to heal sickness
to render poisoned water potable
only by a virgin approachable

copyright © 2015 Marlene E Purvis
Amazing fact; Unicorns can live anywhere from 100
to 1000 years and stand taller than a horse!
PS Thank you Neish for poem suggestion!

STARGAZING - (FEB 02 2013)
stargazing, sets a peaceful state of mind
as our eyes take in this universe designed
enjoyment, awareness, wonder combined

twinkling ever so bright in nighttime shrine
stars seem to endlessly glow always shine
gazing upwards pictorial forms enshrine

our North star remains so constant and true
our Ursa Major points, never off cue
little Ursa Minor remains true blue

about eighty-eight constellations show
Orion, Pegasus, Leo we know
Taurus, Perseus, Gemini aglow

everything that exists in outer space
planets, asteroids, galaxies keep pace
energy and matter, engaging place

rings of dust around Saturn hold form
midst a void of debris, vacuum the norm
magnetic, galactic, solar flare storm

during the day sun emits bright sunlight
only visible during dark of night
awesome experience, really outta sight

copyright © 2013 Marlene E Purvis
Our universe so deep yet so mesmerizing!

fragrant aroma wild flowers permeate
ever so enticing, ever so sweet
Mother Nature signals her soft refrain
a poignant bouquet after a spring rain
trees branch out in fine greenery, full dress
some with resplendent blossoms, enchantress

summertime, days of sunshine and heat waves
walking or running enjoyment seeks raves
hiking and biking mountain trails or brush
fresh air, breathe in deep, amazing head rush
swimming at home or some far distant shore
honest, be sincere, who could ask for more

autumn visions savored like fine Chablis
world revolving into a vibrant sea
horizons peak, in a blaze of allure
dazzling brilliancy, an artistic lure
mellow golds, soft yellows, magical blends
burnt tangerines, coppertone reds, transcends

winter signals cold weather, bringing snow
sometimes temperatures of twenty below
tobogganing down slopes, ever so fast
childhood fun and games, always such a blast
skiing, snowboarding always top the charts
crazed, fever-pitched, thrill seekers, sporting arts

copyright © 2013 Marlene E Purvis
Visionary impressions of seasonal displays!

as I look into my crystal ball
I see wild visions but cannot tell
just a glimpse into the coming day
silence please, just let me have my say
sunshine glows brightly in a blue sky
why it's blue, have no idea why
soft billowy clouds seemingly float
on a calm sea like a sailing boat
trees stand up sturdy, all branching out
leaves, berries and blossoms softly pout
flowers sprout up amidst the tall grass
spreading far and wide, a landfilled mass
birds sing merrily and twitter loud
sometimes alone often in a crowd
animals, insects, butterflies too
may feel like in a jungle or zoo
in the distance a quaint small village
nestled in a luscious valley stage
midst mountains towering high over head
cool water flows down an old creek bed
in the cool of the evening twilight
man in the moon beckons stars shine bright
soft gentle breeze whispers sweet dreams dear
soon another day dawns bringing cheer

copyright © 2013 Marlene E Purvis
My predictions guarantee love and fulfillment!

DEEP SPACE - (APR 02 2013)
deep space, an area of cold and darkness
you may or may not fully acquiesce
vacuums of silence, perhaps foreign sounds
planets and moons, long tailed comets astounds
rolling, tumbling, massive chunks of debris
floating endlessly in an endless sea  
asteroids, black holes, into the unknown
dark void, radiation, collisions drone
explosions, extreme heat, bone-chilling cold 
mega kabooms, brilliant flashes so bold
death stars existence; burn quickly and die
some hold us captive, radiation eye
simply put directly in line of sight 
like a laser strike, instantly alight
vast dark energy and cosmic voids zone
timeless labyrinths, temporal rifts, unthrone

copyright © 2013 Marlene E Purvis
Deep space, dark energy void, area of unknown and intrigue!

am one of those who love light shows
dazzling lights that light up the sky
those being my most favorite sights
a happiness glow glints my eye

sunrise slowly heightens colors
red, oranges, yellows and more
sunsets too set the stage aglow
vibrantly casting far offshore

fireworks amaze us with pictures
shooting up, flaring out, display
sparkling, kaleidoscope effect
in a dazzling spectral array 

northern lights most precious of all
aurora borealis dance
bouncing as in rhythm of drums
rising crescendo style of prance

endless stretching across the sky
glorious dancing in colors bright
onward for hours colorful hues
silently fill world with delight

the moon and stars dazzle and shine
late in the evening when its dark
man in the moon shimmers so bright
zillion twinkling stars sharing spark

is there another world out there
somewhere out in that great beyond
past the milky ways universe
where glow of our sun holds no bond

copyright © 2012 Marlene E Purvis
Have always loved northern lights, fireworks, sunsets and 
sunrises. The moon and stars also hold a deep fascination. 
(Thoughts from July 30, 2005)

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