Spiritual Realm

Another year
Of Christmas cheer

Behold the treasures
Bringing pleasures

May happiness
Rain down and bless

May love and peace
Always increase

May joy overflow
Contentment grow

Merry Christmas
Forever en masse

copyright © 2012 Marlene E Purvis
Merry Christmas to all my warm & loving family and friends!

throughout the season excitements grows
all our little children Santa knows
in our hearts love, peace and joy reside
sending the seasons greetings with pride
Canadian custom, mother tongue
Merry Christmas, carols, praises sung
May the joy of Christmas fill your hearts
brimming with love, right off the charts

copyright © 2012 Marlene E Purvis
Thoughts of Christmas love and joys, fill my mind!

please dear God help me claim what is rightfully mine
my thoughts, my actions, my feelings, my emotions
let me be held accountable for all my wrongs
let praises ring for all the goodness in my heart
may the truths be upheld both with virtue and love
may all lies be cast out for all the world to see

all little children who suffer at others hands
those who struggle daily, working towards the right
though times are hard, making ends meet seem out of sight
render patience, kindness Samaritans good will
no matter how needy strive for generosity
let love encompass, nurture, heal all humanity

copyright © 2012 Marlene E Purvis
What the world needs now is love, pure sweet love; as a well
known song once said. Love makes the world go round but also
brings forth healing and that all over good, good feeling.

only the selfish
see Christmas as such
only family receives
their loving touch
only the flamboyant
see Christmas as praise
let the world know
charities they raise
only the meek
see Christmas dove
encircling all
with unselfish love

copyright © 2007 Marlene E Purvis
Love says it all!

Christmas cheer
freely give of oneself
reaching out
to each little elf
hold out a hand
let them feel love
true and steady
as a white dove
quality time
family and friends
value food and life
sharing never ends

copyright © 2008 Marlene E Purvis
Christmas all year, sharing never ends!

does Christianity mean you learned thanks
appreciation for all you received
grateful for nourishment, friendship and life

does Christianity mean you learned love
do you express it bestow upon all
no matter who be they, rich or the poor

does Christianity mean you learned care
offering comfort to those in need
warmly drawn in, arms of compassion

does Christianity mean you learned give
do you willing offer what you have
sharing of oneself, your time, food, love, home

copyright © 2008 Marlene E Purvis
Christianity speaks volumes putting love above all!

true Christians don't stand in judgment nor criticize
their love flows outward encompassing all around
they never ever profess hate nor ridicule 
kindness and compassion live deep within their hearts
neither feeling above nor below anyone
displays of true empathy quickly come to light
equality and strength are part of their makeup
no matter if treated with sarcastic disdain
never raise a hand nor cast unkind words or thought
always right there whenever you reach out for help
lend you their hand pull you up from pits of despair

copyright © 2012 Marlene E Purvis
Politics and religion; two major topics often best avoided due to volatile 
nature of man! We each have our beliefs and our opinions so there should 
never be a need to destroy or maim over differing views!

only true hypocrites profess unchristian skills
though in their minds they may believe this be not so
after the service, outside their house of worship
uttering the many names of our lord in vain
self-praise for ability to outdo others
openly flaunting grandest auto on market
lavishly bragging the charities supported
proclaiming deep empathy felt for their neighbor
next instance demean another for their short falls
intolerance for someone not as skilled as they 
impatience towards those who cannot keep the pace
belittling those not as learned nor with the means
critical of everything and everyone round
never letting you forget how you done them wrong
forgive and forget just words, no meanings befall
judgments, vanity often portrayed in full force
true hypocrites soon reveal true colors to all

copyright © 2012 Marlene E Purvis
My beliefs, my thoughts, my feelings, listening and watching as a child 
then later on throughout the years. Are we the best person that we can 
be or do we lower ourselves to this extreme hypocritical stance? Many 
people proclaim they are Christian yet their actions display otherwise.

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