Friendship Lines

BE AS DESIRED - (FEB 02 2013)
what is friendship
is friendship rewarding
do we need friendship

friends are there for each other
what we desire in a friend then 
so should we be towards them

friends never let us down
friends lend a shoulder to cry on
friends are supportive
friends maintain positivity
friends nourish and encourage
friends never hold us back

without friends we flounder
we struggle alone
we become selfish

we never know fulfillment
we never learn to give 
without thought of rewards

friendship is our lifeline
our beacon in the storm
friendships, indeed!

copyright © 2013 Marlene E Purvis
Friendship; a requisite for all that life has to offer!

NEVER LET GO - (MAY 08 2012)
no matter the reason never let go
nor as to what kind of events take place
friendships built to last an eternity
their love and understanding is your ace

they are your pillar in the worst of storms
carry you when you cannot walk alone
share your secrets your loves and your sorrows
hold your hand, guide you to happiness zone

like Rock of Gibraltar on solid ground
protect you from outside forces so strong
laugh with you and cry with you, hold you close
let you know you are safe and do belong

they nurture you, believe in you, trust you
just a call away, help ride out the tides
even when you lash out in anger and tears
help peace filter back in, common sense rides

cherish your friendships keep them in your fold
hold close at all times, never let them go
once forsaken they may never return
a loss so devastating, tragic blow

look round you, see how others set the pace
always a couple, will be till end of time
loves interactions, hold steadfast and true
friendship abandoned, signals clinging vine

copyright © 2012 Marlene E Purvis
We cannot ever put a price on friendship. Friendship is one 
of our most cherished and prized treasures. Maintain your 
friendships always be ready and willing to give them you!

love and warm blessings accumulate here
showering your family with Christmas cheer
even though many miles may separate us
feeling the glow from our hugs be a plus

as we sit in front of wood burning fire
eating chestnuts, telling stories aspire
now sit back, close your eyes and do not peak
imagine if you will, pleasures we seek

exciting adventure ever so sweet 
am certain experience overwhelming feat
BC's sunshine coast warm Pacific shores
inland forests, mountains peaks by scores

by car or train by far most scenic route
twisting, turning, mountain tunnels throughout
breath-taking views, crystal clear mountain lakes
Canadian Geese, mallard ducks and drakes

cross prairies and plains to Canada's east coast
vast rivers and lakes an expansive toast
French and English, Canada's culture trait
over three thousand miles, west to east gate

thank you my dear friends for sharing the ride
love of our friendship my heart swells with pride
hope you enjoyed your journey through my land
come visit again soon, ever so grand

copyright © 2011 Marlene E Purvis
A special poem, for a special time of year and for a very special family; 
May love, warmth, peace, happiness and contentment fill your family and 
home to overflowing! Love and hugs and kisses to all of you. 

each friendship represents a ray of sunshine
thereby warming our hearts and our souls

true friendships withstand time, opposition
a bond of comfort, strengthened over time
belief in each other, trust and loyalty
remains constant, never doubts nor backs down
love and respects each others persona
walk arm in arm amidst adversity

best friends chill, love to spend time together
a shared joke, idiom or just plain fun
laughter, spontaneity filter in
similar interests pull their heart strings
be it music, hot rods, parties or sports
enjoyment soars, ardent passions unite

kindred spirits seem to fulfill all needs
some how drawn mysteriously together 
seared connection with bonding so intense 
as thoughts, words, ideas transpire and flow
a conviction, an experience brought forth
highest plateau of consciousness attained

in all instances loyalty, trust thrive
heralded by unconditional love

copyright © 2011 Marlene E Purvis
Was thinking of friends and how we might possibly view
the friendships we have made over the years. 

past little while finds me wondering how
expletives and out-cries of holy cow
sometimes feeling left totally aghast
midst laughter and tears, thoughts raging full blast
exit stage right, tripping down memory lane
surely to goodness hun going insane
oh my good gracious, what be that you say
been there done that, although tis quite cliche
on the same wave length, talking up a storm
almost verbatim, words spark over norm
seems our thoughts flow outwards and slowly meld 
know in our hearts kindred spirts upheld

copyright 2011 Marlene E Purvis
This poem is about my kindred friend Derek. He is a single
father, works with the aged and like me has to watch what 
he eats. I have heard of things like this where 2 people say 
the exact things at exactly the same time and think the 
same thoughts at the same time. We both have done/did 
the same kind of work and had similar situations take place 
at that job. All I can say is wow; almost unbelievable!

FEEL IT - (MAY 20 2011)
a smile brightens any long, tiring road
a genuine hug warms the coldest hearts
a kiss oh so sweet removes deepest frown
a caress so tender melts thickest ice
a kind thought expressed says we truly care
a hearty hello shouts glad to see you
a thank you shows a world of gratitude
a wave acknowledges our presence felt
a bond of friendship fills our hearts with joy
a twinkle in the eye shows merriment
a glowing persona brightens our day

copyright 2011 Marlene E Purvis
Was thinking how good a smile or hug can make one feel. 
More thoughts filter in as in the 1st 4 lines and then later 
on the rest fall into place. A make us feel good poem!

oh hun let me reach out and pull you in close
softly and tenderly hugs of love and warmth to share
gentle fingers caress, erase creases from your brow
whispering in your ear your friend loves you really does care

copyright 2011 Marlene E Purvis
Sometimes we need a friend and this day Hari needed to 
know he was still loved and appreciated... there are many
times in my life when I know I need this too... if you know
anyone who is feeling down reach out and let them know
that someone does care; it can make a world of difference!

love so strong it can with stand the distance of time
kisses so sweet, as intoxicating as a cherished glass of wine
and hugs to always make you feel toasty warm and so divine
all these things combined, complete us making you mine

copyright 2011 Marlene E Purvis
Friendships are like fine wine... the longer you keep them the
more you cherish them. I can honestly say I am so proud of
all the friendships I have made over the years of my gaming
history. You are all special and will always hold a special
place in my heart. I love you all. Love and hugs forever!

as the moon comes up in my corner of the world
so shall the sun give rise in yours 
bringing with it an abundance of joy
as mother nature unfolds in all her glory
all creatures big and small awaken
filling the air with gratitude and song 
all bidding a "top of the morning" to you

copyright 2010 Marlene E Purvis
Another poem with Hari in mind. Would love to visit
Greece and many of the other places across the
world. Miss you Hari!

ain't it funny how people interact
some are quite pompous imagine that
many are happy take life as it comes
few seek attention grasping meager crumbs

some wail and cry about woes they have had
don't they realize we have all had it bad
expressions can tell alot about us
outgoing people now that's a real plus

amazing too how some rub us the wrong way
either by actions or things that they say
also have noticed where love is so blind
cannot let go no matter how unkind

ever loved someone so much that it hurt
just kept hanging on though treated like dirt
loved them but at same time hated them too
how can this be; thought your heart was so true

ever felt how love can spark anger flames
total ignition burns till ash remains
sometimes those two people clash constantly
destined to destroy for eternity

dominance can smother your internal flame
control seekers tightly keep hold the reign
soon find oneself sitting alone one day
as lost loves refrains sing sorrowful way

copyright 2010 Marlene E Purvis
Thoughts of myself as well as of family and friends
as we at times struggle with love and friendships!

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