Family Ties

have nine nieces and two nephews too
not quite one dozen but that will do
as for my cousins haven't a clue
my aunts family long over due

was very young when they disappeared
only three of the five I have cleared
their memories indelibly seared
though over the years have persevered

truly wish to find them, underscore
seems vanished into the nevermore
also heard definitely one more
her name's Taeea, relatives score

in recent years found cousins galore
some not very far from my front door
quite a few live on the Eastern shore
and south of the border, sweet rapport

as for my grandparents, hardly knew
secrets were kept, a hullabaloo
believe some appeared out of the blue
found some remained out of field of view

perhaps you find this all very weird
seemingly all pathways commandeered
so far not a soul has volunteered
to delve in our pasts that disappeared

copyright © 2015 Marlene E Purvis
Somewhere are next of kin we have not yet met!
Robbie, Irma, Mark, Taeea and 2 more(Green or Greene)

LIFE WITH MAR - (JUN 12 2013)
throughout my childhood earaches plagued my life
parental abuse causing so much strife
without provocation felt razor strap
body welts dominate like bubble wrap
anger welled up as he lost all control 
laced and disgraced now on a steady roll
mother knew how to dish out more than food
towards myself would be overly rude
in this case the first born made her a ma
hurling mental, emotional trauma

age eight tragic loss tore my world apart
two brothers gone, left alone in the dark
by age ten housework and farmwork took force
being oldest, often worked like a horse
like magic, age twelve caused evil to brew
ten day paralysis, cause, no one knew
ruptured appendix also hit the slate
shortly after overweight on my plate
sexual harassment next fell inline
year after year, wishing it would decline

charlie horses fettered, rocking my world
marathons would collapse, rubber legs furled
men in my life managed to pick the worst
seriously thought my whole life had been cursed
trauma and abuse never took their leave
musta wore my heart, always on my sleeve
failed three times, relationships by the score
really thought for certain jinxed and much more
finally providence brought him to me
calm and patience in a once troubled sea

copyright © 2013 Marlene E Purvis
Where once trauma dwelled, taking its toll, now peace and 
serenity wash over me, easing those heavy taxing burdens!

TREAT TO ENJOY - (APR 29 2011)
as a young child early bedtimes seemed wrong
in all honesty we felt this quite strong
why mama, why papa, still see the sun
hearts fill with sadness taking way our fun

through out the late teens and early twenties
parties and late nights to the nth degrees
raising a family now we see the light
early to bed children sweet dreams good night

now our children are all grown with their own
our senior years fill with grandchildren grown
no more we burn the candle at both ends
takes too long, our bodies to make amends

oh my gosh as sweet laughter fills the air
our minds and bodies both become contraire
our new perspective, joyfully employ
early bedtimes are a treat to enjoy

copyright © 2011 Marlene E Purvis
May seem kinda strange; Geoff loves to stays up late at night
where as I seem to need to sleep early because I get up early.
This put in mind the fact how, as kids, we hated to go to bed. 

many moons back
secrets were sworn
really quite small
when I was born
six pound 6 ounce
nineteen inch thorn
day of the week
Sunday mid morn
at nine am
dark curls adorn
did my parents
blow their proud horn
thoughtless thinking
perhaps pure corn
treated like scum
ragged and torn
forever more
my life did morn
knew for a fact
welcome not worn
needless to say
unwanted scorn
sitting here now
feeling forlorn
wishing, hoping
had been reborn

copyright © 2011 Marlene E Purvis
As a young girl I knew all mothers knew the exact date they 
got married so when my mother feigned not remembering the 
date plus the fact she never had a nice word to say nor ever 
showed she loved me I knew I was unplanned and unwanted. 

ROCK FAIRY - (DEC 12/08)
farming is only life for me
best there is, truly sets one free
only one drawback could I see
our farm engaged a Rock Fairy

what's that you say you never heard
slaved many days to get last herd
next year more than last observed
bet you think am totally absurd

honestly tis absolute truth
scored more rocks than hits of Babe Ruth
uncovering these needs no sleuth
no reason to lie, here's the proof

let your eyes scan miles of fallow
brown, black, white sometimes off yellow
some above ground others shallow
frustration mounts, high pitched bellow

perhaps giving thanks lessens the load
better yet prepare a peace ode
plant those rocks alongside the road
see another rock, will explode

copyright © 2011 Marlene E Purvis
Farming is a wonderful life even though the land grew endles
rocks almost like over night. The freedom and the joy of miles
and miles of area to play and wander were probably some of
the most memorable areas in my life.

this year would see half century mark
hard to believe ten years have gone by
dear little sister Pamela Jean
thinking of you I sometimes still cry
cry for the child who suffered so much
shunned, abandoned, often pushed aside
unwanted, unloved, craved loving touch
wanton destruction hard to abide
parents supposed to love and protect
sadly hers did not, could not shed a tear
nor see how tragic their outcome hurt
heart went out wished could erase all fear
shield her from harm help and guide her life
protection, unconditional love
those special tools she needed utmost
she sure shoulda been their special dove
always pushed her life beyond limits
dauntless enemy stalked her daily
sugar, chocolate, all sorts of sweets
still hear her candy, candy, candy!
Pam on this day we remember you
love you, miss you, still wish you were here
if you were this special day would say
fifty years deserves a heartfelt cheer

copyright © 2011 Marlene E Purvis
Pam was another example of an unwanted child who was, in
all probability meant to replace the two boys my parents had
lost when they both drowned. Now I miss Pam as well as them.

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