Humor Alley

spring babies are really so cute
but also can be loads of fun
take for instance my childhood friend
humor's like a shot of bourbon

reminds me of my old granddad 
of stretching and bending the truth
belief in his suggestive line
really need a shot of vermouth

how often do we act our age
to show or display is the key
along with a dose of humor
bottoms up, a shot of whiskey

now don't go feeling sad and blue
nor ever feeling downright glum
but if this should be the case
down a shot of bulletproof rum

let it never be said you're sick
or that you drink like an old hick
dearest David you never whine
gulp down a shot of straight moonshine

morning sees you with a bright smile
one seen for well over a mile
cannot be accused of witchcraft
sit back, enjoy a swig of draft

day in and day out you hold on
honestly feel you earned it dear
though your beliefs are frowned upon
guzzle pints of genuine beer

there's a sparkling glint in your eye
we know you rarely ever cry
can clearly hear your low guffaw
knock back a shot of pure vodka

know you'll never be forgotten
thoughts of you every now and then
yes David you are mighty fine
sip daintily a glass of wine

copyright © 2016 Marlene E Purvis
Cannot help but love David's humor; had to add a bit of my own!
*"Oyen man may be oldest in Canada - 102 yr(50's or 60's)
My grampa died Sep 28 1977 at age 97!

during the night while am fast asleep
some things happen causing me to weep
at times nightmares still take a strong hold
leaving me breathless, feeling so cold

aches and pains often fill my night time
left shoulder, right shoulder, down my spine
now both hips feel continual pain
unrelenting renders sleep in vain

crawl into bed no matter the hour
my internal clock stays the power
seems five a.m. the magic number
puts an end to my full night slumber

trying desperately to find my calm
need something special a soothing balm
out of the blue he starts his engines
a loud long snort then snoring begins

try as I might nothing seems to work
tossing, turning an unyielding irk
disturbing my sleep, anger sets in
no more sleeping let my day begin

whipping the bedding across the bed
know in my heart a long day ahead
always, always will love my sweet man
no matter what adoration span

copyright © 2016 Marlene E Purvis
There are nights and then there are nights!

SILKY SOFT - (JUL 17 2016)
yesterday shower not in the cards
tap assembly corrupted, backwards
quite upset, water extremely hot
turning left, freezing cold, so distraught

cannot believe not a soul complained
they left unshowered I ascertained
picked up the room phone dialed the front desk
knowing all day would feel so grotesque

this morning everything worked so well
shampoo and cream rinse, oh please do tell
seriously, silkiest softest hair
as this new product had loads of flair

without glasses cannot read fine print
that white cream product left an imprint
decided to leave it where it was
please do not ask me why, just because

Geoff took not even a second glance
only knew the product would enhance
so now we both have silky softness
body cream, no one could ask for less

copyright © 2016 Marlene E Purvis
Cream Rinse or Body Cream generates lovely soft hair!

in life there are many surprises
sometimes need to make compromises
that person always criticizes

although some leave us with bad feeling
it seems some things are quite revealing
overall truly unappealing

neighbors dog was part wolf and husky
just as mean as mean as he could be
even at times the boys had to flee

truly their mama was quite the cook
as an ex-nurse could not overlook
specialized meals by hook or by crook

this day she served beets and potatoes
along with grits, must fully expose
this kind of grits left me feeling woes

boiled beets championed with clinging dirt clumps
really gave me some royal goose bumps
my mind and hands suddenly grew stumps

others lead us to fun and laughter
and leave us hanging from a rafter
always be remembered thereafter

one time mom said I could not be found
she looked all over, in and around
then she heard this gleeful laughing sound

upon opening the pantry door
there was me, in a delightful score
squishing eggs by handfuls, fun galore

once upon a time, a little mouse
snuck in at night, stole nuts from my house
again that sound from my sleep did rouse

slowly picked up my running shoe
with a deadly aim I did subdue
although I screamed as he wildly flew

like a herd of elephants they came
for they all knew I had won the game
mama killed that mouse they did exclaim

copyright © 2016 Marlene E Purvis
Some things are so delightfully remembered!

LACK TOAST - (SEP 12 2016)
this morning our toast seemed kinda strange
as it did not attain proper color range
my dear man exclaimed when he saw
lack toast intolerant haha
next time your toast looks sad and blue
lacking that normal color hue
think of lack toast intolerant
stand up and cheer and softly chant
where oh where did the color go
all this and more would like to know
on top of that lazy and slack
want stand alone toast give it back

copyright © 2016 Marlene E Purvis
Gotta love my husband's sense of humor!

SWITCHEROO - (JUL 16 2016)
adults and children, babies and more
most of whom always hit the dance floor
as friends and neighbors make up the band
that old time music ever so grand

Earl Meadows strokes the piano keys
Frank Thurber violin if you please
Lorne MacIntosh accordion squeeze
Jack Thurber saxophone, it's a breeze

switching instruments, band members prone
such versatility was well known
butterflies, square dances, waltz, rhumba
bird dance, jive, two step, tango, polka

behind the band, babies slept soundly
wrapped in parents coats, warm and snuggly
on this night so very long ago
a mixup took place wouldn't you know

seems someone played game of switcheroo
once home parents musta come unglued
as their realization took hold
could anyone person be that bold

copyright © 2016 Marlene E Purvis
This prank will long be remembered!

hired this spic and span maid ages back
seems of late always giving me flack
am too tired Missy for chores today
not been sleeping too well I must say
on top of that my body says stop
it seems to have lost its turboprop

can't do dishes my hands split and bleed
nor can I make bread no strength to knead
cannot wash floors my back sends out vibes
on pain killers now, doctor prescribes
dusting and cleaning simply the pits
ongoing sneezing with coughing fits

vacuuming takes a toll on my arms
drowns out my music and all its charms
laundry's become a virtual chore
seriously cannot take anymore
my resignation sits on your desk
rest of my life will be statuesque

copyright © 2016 Marlene E Purvis
Oh no, my maid went on strike the other day; 
land sakes alive what's a lady to do!

thought we should let you know things have changed
poor Geoff from his job became estranged
retirement begged and pleaded with him
though I felt those changes mighty slim

just the thought of that coach coming home
excitement accrued, cleaning syndrome
sadly never did materialize
so hard to believe how fast time flies

nearly two years since we filled this space
many days, weeks gone without a trace
laid low with his right knee out of place
too much driving time for his workplace

he knew your heart held his coach so dear
please, please Leanne, do not shed a tear
am sure if you whined he might relent
to giving you his ordained consent

his itty bitty car needs to shine
beginning to feel it's borderline
yes he knows your TLC's the best
very appreciative, truly blest

copyright © 2015 Marlene E Purvis
Leanne, thought you might enjoy some coachline humor!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Miles & Leanne!
Our neighbors across the sidewalk in #3

PLEASE SIR - (JAN 28 2016)
exaggeration can be such fun
makes good stories when adding a pun
last October my hubby retired
his dispatcher understood, admired

come the New Year, Robert's on the phone
please Sir Geoff cannot do this alone
have trips galore coming out my ears
seriously am on the verge of tears

silence held the line for just a few
upped his strategy a notch or two
on bended knee he vowed gratitude
had he managed to gain latitude

for those who know Geoff can clearly see
his predicament, sure you agree
love for his friendship with his main man
so out of retirement, new game plan

perhaps off and on, more off than on
no can do another marathon
excitement overtook his dispatcher
most certain he gained some new stature

copyright © 2016 Marlene E Purvis
Storytelling is so much fun. Seriously though
Geoff and Robert's relationship is contractual;
held in high regard and considered good friends!

IMAGINE THAT - (SEP 26 2013)
cannot say enough bout this man of mine
honestly, truly he's simply divine
asked if certain everything had been packed
he replied definitely, nothing lacked
three hours later received his frantic call
all his dress clothes left in the closet hall

the best part of all this, the day before
please Mar from the cleaners at least by four
jumped in my car, picked up all his attire
readied them in garment bag, his desire
luckily Edmonton's Wal-Mart's close by
if not would hate to see a grown man cry

copyright © 2013 Marlene E Purvis
Luckily we could both see the humor in this situation!

SPLISH, SPLASH - (JUL 23 2013)
this got me thinking bout how it would feel
be a brand new outfit with sex appeal
worn home from the store, so simply divine
bold and stunning fashion, top of the line

feelings accrue knowing this outfit ranks
as all eyes turn and look, brimming with thanks
happiness dwells bursting from deep inside 
owners lavish displays cause swelling pride

oh no, cannot believe this just took place
food droppings constantly what a disgrace
now just to add insult to injury
taking injustice to the nth degree

shockingly, tossed aside like an old rag
a dirty pile of clothing sadness drag
oh my gosh now crammed into a basket
what, what, oh no gonna blow a gasket

suddenly soaking wet and so darn cold
as violent agitation takes hold
splishing and splashing in the sudsy bin
now I know getting dirty ain't a sin

copyright © 2013 Marlene E Purvis
Thought it must be time for a fun poem! Enjoy!

SLAM DUNKED - (SEP 21 2013)
perhaps tis funny, then again not
one sec feeling good, next sec distraught
how can this be, what's happening to me
headache, fever, weak to the nth degree
achiness flows steady, by design
back, chest and arms, onwards down my spine
sort of dizzy and slightly off cue
chills and sweats, freezing hands, tingling too
vibrating, violent shakes takes form
blanket wrapped snuggly, try to keep warm
now so hot, feeling close to a boil
remedy, strong dose of castor oil
what's that you say, going to extreme
way am feeling, logical regime

copyright © 2013 Marlene E Purvis
Sometimes getting sick is like an unforeseen explosive storm!

astonishment quickly rose
when my comment came to light
could tell by his soft chuckle
it filled his mind with delight

always, always takes his time
nothing ever is a must
shower, sit back and relax
sipping coffee, so robust

this morning life took a turn
never ever had he run
in just three short hours flat
oodles of chores had been done

words of truth came into play
accomplishments were so grand
normally takes one full day
fixing, shopping, packing planned

so now my man's on cloud nine
out on the road, driving craze 
avid golfers line the seats
driving a coach, next five days

copyright © 2013 Marlene E Purvis
As promised Geoff, here's the accomplishment poem. Enjoy!

no harm meant but you all must know it's true
when old age bites you, you will feel its due

woke up this morning feeling outta sorts
my movements so slow while stiffness purports
trying hard to stand without falling down
if could see myself might erase my frown
to simulate balance grazing the walls
ever so thankful for those narrow halls

crashing and banging and jerking along
brings forth the zombie shuffle and its song

copyright © 2013 Marlene E Purvis
Getting old sucks; I'm a zombie, I'm a zombie!

CT HUMOR - (JUL 24 2013)
what an experience, my CT scan
deemed shall always remember that day
greeted by Dawn, now ready to play
Mitchell stood ready with his game plan

information flowed freely like wine
once the dye flows subtle warmth gives rise
feeling of wet yourself, big surprise
no speaking once you enter the shrine

hard as he tried that elusive vein
just would not comply, my vein's a putz
no needle pain, what an awesome touch
sadly my dear this vein missed the plane

my humor slipped just a tiny notch
Dawn's magic found a vein in my hand
that sharp pain stabbed me ever so grand
quickly, hand me that bottle of scotch

now would be remiss if did not state
at first that soft warmth sent a tingle
then an explosive heat did mingle
so intense brain became fiery pate

soon settled down to a comfort zone
although she'd said will lose the bet
in an instant knew had surely wet
my mind absolutely did bemoan

Mitchell and Dawn, an amazing team
tops in their field truly must disclose
right from the get-go their humor rose
only bruises suggest not a dream

copyright © 2013 Marlene E Purvis
Cannot say enough positives about Dawn & Mitchell!

as memories slip back again
thinking of Mike and Jen in Spain
lots of heat rarely any rain
Turkish baths, experience reign

hot water, soap, rub-a-dub-dub
over and over wash, rinse, scrub
endlessly seemed, ongoing rub

scrubbing, scrubbing, till no skin left
leaves one feeling mighty bereft

skin now glowing a vibrant red

copyright © 2012 Marlene E Purvis
(Thoughts from May 2003) Remembering Mike & Jen's
story about what an experience a Turkish bath was.
Do think I will forgo that kind of pleasure!

SHUT IT DOWN - (OCT 08 2012)
shut it down, shut it down I screamed
mind out of control, nothing dreamed
please do stop this senseless thinking
my mind, soul and body sinking
oblivion, to nowhere land
aimless, timeless thoughts take a stand
tossing, turning trying to sleep
surely does make an old soul weep
daytime, night time, don't matter much
soon see me climbing walls and such
epic coasting, be welcome sight
thereby diminish, tiring plight

copyright © 2012 Marlene E Purvis
A convo with Richard brought about this poem; seems
we are so much alike living stressed and chaotic lives
with this endless brain chatter, cluttering our minds.

HUMOR AT IT'S BEST - (May 07 2012)
two thousand five a new era struck ground
let me tell you something so profound
honestly am sure will knock your socks off
when you start laughing hard try not to cough

February Geoff decided to quit
while out on the road no cigarette lit
made a pact not to tell a single soul
let their perception take on its own role

next part of tale agonizingly sad
cause Zyban torture nearly drove me mad
mid March, five days, severe itching arrives
immediate cessation due to hives 

date had been pre-set deep within my mind
any thoughts to deter, safely confined
fifth of April saw me quitting for good
mum's the word even for Geoff honor stood

three weeks later Geoff finally gets home
only four days as yet no comments thrown
on his third day home asked out of the blue
you happen to notice anything new

at first not a thing was his quick reply
his final response left not a dry eye
he said, seems you cut down smoking somewhat
both mind and body instantly in shock

doubled over as laughter took its toll
cigarettes, ashtrays now always lack soul
for none were in sight, finished packed away
no steady puffs shoulda caught his display

copyright © 2012 Marlene E Purvis
Sometimes humor can be the best medicine. Do hope the humor
contained herein fulfilled that role. (Thoughts from Apr 26, 2005)

MAR TONIC - FEB 11 2011
he was not feeling well
super healing spell
so a Mar tonic be 
a touch of strawberry

first we start off really slow
get those juices on the go
slowly now we pick up the pace
careful now hun its not a race

now we have it all together
know you're feeling so much better
am sure this poem did the trick
best friend Mar mighty slick

copyright 2011 Marlene E Purvis
Sometimes when not feeling well, whether it be mentally 
or physically a bit of humor helps to cheer us. I wrote 
this poem for my friend along with these words;  
"Hari my dearest Greek friend, I offer you a special
Mar tonic which will cure all your ailments."

now ain't it funny  how some things work
know this will surely cause you to smirk
sound asleep in my cozy warm bed
when this awful smell circled my head
can you believe, aromas so strong
confuse the senses when one done wrong
that hindrance lingered all through the morn
errors in word phrases soon were born
now my senses are muddled supreme
all cause a skunk delivered his stream

copyright (c) 2010 Marlene E Purvis
A poem with a bit of humor to help brighten
your day and possible give you a good excuse
for having a lame brain at times!

Oh my gosh can you believe it
Mike's decided to throw a fit
He jumped up and down and ranted
He began to dance and chanted
I pulled them all out yesterday
While I worked I really did pray
But alas nothing panned out right
Today my lawns an awful sight
He mumbled so loud to himself
That up from the ground rose an elf
Shiver me timbers you're so loud
Keep it up you'll soon have a crowd
Sorry but what else can I do
Lawn has me in an irate stew
Lad, why didn't you just say so
Us wee elves will give it a go
And to his total amazement
The ground opened up like a vent
Soon the lawn was covered with elves
As they worked they smiled to themselves
Within minutes they were all gone
In their wake a beautiful lawn

copyright 2004 Marlene E Purvis
My son and I were talking and as we spoke he
mentioned how hard it was to keep ahead of
the weeds. Quickly as the words took form this
poem emerged which added a bit of humor to
his weed control problem. Wow it if were really
all that simple! Enjoy

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